Kikusui PBZ20-20A DC Power Supplies +/- 0 -20V +/- 0-20A

£8268.00 (£9,921.60 inc VAT)

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Kikusui PBZ20-20A DC Power Supply

The Kikusui PBZ 20-20A (+/-0 to 20V +/-0 to 20A (6x pk)) is a bipolar high speed DC regulated power source that can continuously change both + and – polarities passing through 0 without changing the output terminal. By adopting a “Switching + Linear” system, the PBZ now incorporates both drastic weight reduction as well as high speed and low noise operation. Since operation covers 4 quadrants, power can be both supplied (source) and absorbed (sink). The PBZ can also drive inductive or capacitive loads. The PBZ is also equipped with a signal generator function which enables waveform and sequence creation. The PBZ is also capable of synchronised operation which is required for voltage variation tests. Multiple PLZ units can be combined for large current applications through master-slave parallel operation.
Peak current output 6 times the rating (PBZ20-20A)
The PBZ20-20A is capable of generating a short-term peak current up to 6 times the rating when current response is set to 1ms in CV mode. Other response settings will activate the current limit and allow the operator to safely use the device without 6x peak current output. When current response is set to 1ms, the PBZ20-20A automatically decreases response speed and allows for peak current ouput while the current limit is deactivated. This means that the current function will be active at all times when short-term peak current is not output and will have no effect on current response in CC mode. Short-term peak current output is available in both bipolar and unipolar mode.


  • Sequence function (The basic sine, triangular and square waveforms, as well as the 16 user-defined waveforms, can each be set as a sequence step)
  • Parallel operation function
  • Unipolar mode (In unipolar mode it is still possible to apply current in both directions (source and sink).
  • Control via browser (”with LAN” model)
  • CV/CC selectable mode
  • Memory function
  • Protection functions (Over voltage/Over current/Over heat/ Power limit)
  • Fine setting
  • Key lock
  • Remote sensing
  • Output voltage/current monitor
  • External voltage/resistance control
  • External signal input
  • Status signal output

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AC Input, Rated Output
Model PBZ20-20A PBZ20-20 PBZ40-10 PBZ60-6.7 PBZ80-5
AC Input
Nominal input voltage 100 Vac to 240 Vac, 50 Hz to 60 Hz 100 Vac to 240 Vac, 50 Hz to 60 Hz 100 Vac to 240 Vac, 50 Hz to 60 Hz 100 Vac to 240 Vac, 50 Hz to 60 Hz 100 Vac to 240 Vac, 50 Hz to 60 Hz
Voltage and frequency range 90 Vac to 250 Vac, 47 Hz to 63 Hz 90 Vac to 250 Vac, 47 Hz to 63 Hz 90 Vac to 250 Vac, 47 Hz to 63 Hz 90 Vac to 250 Vac, 47 Hz to 63 Hz 90 Vac to 250 Vac, 47 Hz to 63 Hz
Current 10 Aac or less (when connected to a rated load) 10 Aac or less (when connected to a rated load) 10 Aac or less (when connected to a rated load) 10 Aac or less (when connected to a rated load) 10 Aac or less (when connected to a rated load)
Inrush current (1 ms or more) 20 Apeak or less(input 100 V)
40 Apeak or less(input 200 V)
40 Apeak or less 40 Apeak or less 40 Apeak or less 40 Apeak or less
Power 900 VA or less (when connected to a rated load) 900 VA or less (when connected to a rated load) 900 VA or less (when connected to a rated load) 900 VA or less (when connected to a rated load) 900 VA or less (when connected to a rated load)
Power factor 0.95 TYP (when the input voltage is 100 V and when connected to a rated load) 0.95 TYP (when the input voltage is 100 V and when connected to a rated load) 0.95 TYP (when the input voltage is 100 V and when connected to a rated load) 0.95 TYP (when the input voltage is 100 V and when connected to a rated load) 0.95 TYP (when the input voltage is 100 V and when connected to a rated load)
Rated Output
Output power 400W 400W 400W 402W 400W
Output voltage ±20 V ±20 V ±40 V ±60 V ±80 V
Output current ±20 A ±20 A ±10 A ±6.7 A ±5 A
Peak current ±120 Apeak (TYP)
±100 Apeak (TYP)
Isolation voltage 500 Vdc, Only the output’s COM terminal can be grounded. 500 Vdc, Only the output’s COM terminal can be grounded. 500 Vdc, Only the output’s COM terminal can be grounded. 500 Vdc, Only the output’s COM terminal can be grounded. 500 Vdc, Only the output’s COM terminal can be grounded.
Constant Voltage (CV Mode)
DC Current
Bipolar mode 0.000 V to ±21.000 V 0.000 V to ±21.000 V 0.000 V to ±42.000 V 0.000 V to ±63.000 V 0.000 V to ±84.000 V
Unipolar mode 0.000 V to 21.000 V 0.000 V to 21.000 V 0.000 V to 42.000 V 0.000 V to 63.000 V 0.000 V to 84.000 V
Fine feature ±5 % of rtg ±5 % of rtg ±5 % of rtg ±5 % of rtg ±5 % of rtg
Setting resolution 0.001 V (0.0001 V for the fine feature) 0.001 V (0.0001 V for the fine feature) 0.001 V (0.0001 V for the fine feature) 0.002 V (0.0002 V for the fine feature) 0.002 V (0.0002 V for the fine feature)
Setting accuracy ± (0.05 % of setting + 0.05 % of rtg) ± (0.05 % of setting + 0.05 % of rtg) ± (0.05 % of setting + 0.05 % of rtg) ± (0.05 % of setting + 0.05 % of rtg) ± (0.05 % of setting + 0.05 % of rtg)
Temperature coefficient ±100 ppm/°C of rtg (TYP) ±100 ppm/°C of rtg (TYP) ±100 ppm/°C of rtg (TYP) ±100 ppm/°C of rtg (TYP) ±100 ppm/°C of rtg (TYP)
AC current
Setting range 0.00 Vpp to 42.00 Vpp 0.00 Vpp to 42.00 Vpp 0.00 Vpp to 84.00 Vpp 0.00 Vpp to 126.00 Vpp 0.00 Vpp to 168.00 Vpp
Setting resolution 0.01 V 0.01 V 0.1 V 0.1 V 0.1 V
Setting accuracy ±0.5 % of rtg ±0.5 % of rtg ±0.5 % of rtg ±0.5 % of rtg ±0.5 % of rtg
AC frequency
Setting range 0.01 Hz to 200.00 kHz 0.01 Hz to 100.00 kHz 0.01 Hz to 100.00 kHz 0.01 Hz to 100.00 kHz 0.01 Hz to 100.00 kHz
Setting resolution 0.01 Hz 0.01 Hz 0.01 Hz 0.01 Hz 0.01 Hz
Setting accuracy ±200 ppm ±200 ppm ±200 ppm ±200 ppm ±200 ppm
Sweep Linear and logarithmic Linear and logarithmic Linear and logarithmic Linear and logarithmic Linear and logarithmic
Sweep Time 100 μs to 1000 s (resolution of 100 μs) 100 μs to 1000 s (resolution of 100 μs) 100 μs to 1000 s (resolution of 100 μs) 100 μs to 1000 s (resolution of 100 μs) 100 μs to 1000 s (resolution of 100 μs)
AC waveform
Type Sine wave, square wave, triangle wave, and 16 user-defined arbitrary waveforms Sine wave, square wave, triangle wave, and 16 user-defined arbitrary waveforms Sine wave, square wave, triangle wave, and 16 user-defined arbitrary waveforms Sine wave, square wave, triangle wave, and 16 user-defined arbitrary waveforms Sine wave, square wave, triangle wave, and 16 user-defined arbitrary waveforms
Start phase 0 ° to 359 ° 0 ° to 359 ° 0 ° to 359 ° 0 ° to 359 ° 0 ° to 359 °
Square wave duty cycle 0.1 % to 99.9 % (f < 100 Hz), 1 % to 99 % (100 Hz ≤ f < 1 kHz), 10 % to 90 % (1 kHz ≤ f < 10 kHz), and fixed to 50 % (10 kHz < f) 0.1 % to 99.9 % (f < 100 Hz), 1 % to 99 % (100 Hz ≤ f < 1 kHz), 10 % to 90 % (1 kHz ≤ f < 10 kHz), and fixed to 50 % (10 kHz < f) 0.1 % to 99.9 % (f < 100 Hz), 1 % to 99 % (100 Hz ≤ f < 1 kHz), 10 % to 90 % (1 kHz ≤ f < 10 kHz), and fixed to 50 % (10 kHz < f) 0.1 % to 99.9 % (f < 100 Hz), 1 % to 99 % (100 Hz ≤ f < 1 kHz), 10 % to 90 % (1 kHz ≤ f < 10 kHz), and fixed to 50 % (10 kHz < f) 0.1 % to 99.9 % (f < 100 Hz), 1 % to 99 % (100 Hz ≤ f < 1 kHz), 10 % to 90 % (1 kHz ≤ f < 10 kHz), and fixed to 50 % (10 kHz < f)
Frequency response DC to 150 kHz (TYP) DC to 100 kHz (TYP) DC to 100 kHz (TYP) DC to 100 kHz (TYP) DC to 100 kHz (TYP)
Response 2.3 μs, 6.7 μs, 23 μs, 67 μs (TYP) 3.5 μs, 10 μs, 35 μs, 100 μs (TYP) 3.5 μs, 10 μs, 35 μs, 100 μs (TYP) 3.5 μs, 10 μs, 35 μs, 100 μs (TYP) 3.5 μs, 10 μs, 35 μs, 100 μs (TYP)
Overshoot 5 % or less (TYP) 5 % or less (TYP) 5 % or less (TYP) 5 % or less (TYP) 5 % or less (TYP)
Ripple noise (rms) p-p: 20 mV (TYP)
rms: 2 mV (TYP)
p-p: 20 mV (TYP)
rms: 2 mV (TYP)
p-p: 20 mV (TYP)
rms: 4 mV (TYP)
p-p: 30 mV (TYP)
rms: 4 mV (TYP)
p-p: 30 mV (TYP)
rms: 4 mV (TYP)
Load effect ±(0.005 % of setting + 1 mV) ±(0.005 % of setting + 1 mV) ±(0.005 % of setting + 1 mV) ±(0.005 % of setting + 1 mV) ±(0.005 % of setting + 1 mV)
Source effect ±(0.005 % of setting + 1 mV) ±(0.005 % of setting + 1 mV) ±(0.005 % of setting + 1 mV) ±(0.005 % of setting + 1 mV) ±(0.005 % of setting + 1 mV)

Note* Specifications are liable to change. For the full list of Specifications, please see the products datasheet located under the ‘Documentation’ tab.


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