
Rigol RSA3045N 4.5GHz Real-Time Spectrum Analyser with VNA

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Rigol RSA3045N Real-Time Spectrum Analyser with VNA

The RIGOL RSA3045N is a Real-Time spectrum analyser with a frequency range from 9kHz to 4.5GHz. It includes the tracking generator and the VNA functionality to perform S11, S21 and Distance to Fault (DTF) measurements.

Engineers integrating WiFi, Bluetooth and other modern RF technologies are confronted with complex challenges like frequency hopping signals, channel conflict, and spectrum interference. Real-Time Spectrum Analysers bring the dimension of time to RF Analysis making it easier to monitor and characterize these complex RF systems. The RSA3000 and RSA3000E Series combine High Performance swept analysis and Real-Time performance (7.45 µsec 100% POI (at 40MHz)) with specialised optional measurement modes for demanding analysis including EMI mode for EMI Pre-Compliance testing, ASK/FSK mode for demodulation analysis (RSA3000E), and AMK for Advanced Measurements including channel parameters. The RSA3000N models also come standard with Vector Network Analysis. VNA Mode includes S11, S21, and Distance To Fault measurements. The RSA3000 provides a complete characterisation of RF components, modules, and systems with uncompromised performance and unprecedented value.

  • Spectrum analysis from 9kHz (VNA 100kHz)  to 4.5GHz
  • DANL: <-161 dBm (typical) with Optional Pre Amp
  • Phase noise: <-102 dBc/Hz (typical)
  • Level measurement uncertainty: <1 dB
  • Min. RBW 10Hz (1Hz option)
  • Real-Time Analysis Bandwidth of 10 MHz standard (25 & 40 MHz optional)
  • 7.45 µsec 100% POI (at 40MHz)
  • Advanced measurement kit (option)
  • VSA measurement application (option)
  • EMI measurement application (option)
  • NEW VNA measurement application (standard)


  • RSA3000-EMI
    EMI Analysis Mode Option for the RSA3000
  • RSA3000-EMC
    EMI Filter and Detector for the RSA3000
  • RSA3000-AMK
    Advanced Measurement Kit for the RSA3000
  • RSA3000-BW1
    Resolution Bandwidth Upgrade to 1Hz
  • RSA3000-PA
    Preamplifier option for the RSA3000
  • RSA3000-B25
    Real-time analysis BW Upgrade to 25MHz
  • RSA3000-B40
    Real-time analysis BW Upgrade to 40MHz

Rigol RSA3000N Real-Time Spectrum Analyser Comparison Table

Model Frequency Range Real-Time Bandwidth Minimum Resolution Bandwidth (RBW) Maximum CW RF Power SSB Phase Noise (@10kHz Offset) Displayed Average Noise Level (DANL)
RSA3015N 9kHz – 1.5GHz 10 MHz standard (40 MHz option) 10Hz (1Hz Option) +33 dBm (2 W) <-102 dBc/Hz (typical) -136 dBm (-161 dBm with optional preamplifier)
RSA3030N 9kHz – 3GHz 10 MHz standard (40 MHz option) 10Hz (1Hz Option) +33 dBm (2 W) <-102 dBc/Hz (typical) -136 dBm (-161 dBm with optional preamplifier)
RSA3045N 9kHz – 4.5GHz 10 MHz standard (40 MHz option) 10Hz (1Hz Option) +33 dBm (2 W) <-102 dBc/Hz (typical) -136 dBm (-161 dBm with optional preamplifier)

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