Kikusui PBZ Series High Speed Bi-Polar 4 Quadrant Sink / Source Power Supplies

Product Overview

The PBZ series includes bipolar DC regulated power supplies with low ripple noise and rapid response and broadband at high voltage and high current. With their superior performance, they automate power supply variation tests that are becoming increasingly complicated.

World-Leading Rapid Response Performance

The PBZ Series power supplies have the fastest response performance in the world. Their rapid response minimises ripples (2mVrms, 20mVp-p) to pave the way for power supply variation tests in requested steps. A high level of reproduction reliability helps in the development of even the most complex products.

PBZ Series Lineup

Model Specification Price
PBZ20-20 ±0V to 20V / ±0A to 20A £4,554.00
PBZ20-20A ±0V to 20V / ±0A to 20A (6 times pk) £7,920.00
PBZ40-10 ±0V to 40V / ±0A to 10A £4,554.00
PBZ60-6.7 ±0V to 60V / ±0A to 6.7A £4,554.00
PBZ80-5 ±0V to 80V / ±0A to 5A £4,554.00

PBZ SR / BP Series Lineup

Model Specification Price
PBZ20-60 SR ±0V to 20V / ±0A to 60A Please Call
PBZ20-80 SR ±0V to 20V / ±0A to 80A Please Call
PBZ20-100 SR ±0V to 20V / ±0A to 100A Please Call
PBZ20-120 BP ±0 to 20V / ±0 to 120A Please Call
PBZ20-140 BP ±0 to 20V / ±0 to 140A Please Call
PBZ20-160 BP ±0 to 20V / ±0 to 160A Please Call
PBZ20-180 BP ±0 to 20V / ±0 to 180A Please Call
PBZ20-200 BP ±0 to 20V / ±0 to 200A Please Call
PBZ40-30 SR ±0V to 40V / ±0A to 30A Please Call
PBZ40-40 SR ±0V to 40V / ±0A to 40A Please Call
PBZ40-50 SR ±0V to 40V / ±0A to 50A Please Call
PBZ40-60 BP ±0 to 40V / ±0 to 60A Please Call
PBZ40-70 BP ±0 to 40V / ±0 to 70A Please Call
PBZ40-80 BP ±0 to 40V / ±0 to 80A Please Call
PBZ40-90 BP ±0 to 40V / ±0 to 90A Please Call
PBZ40-100 BP ±0 to 40V / ±0 to 100A Please Call
PBZ60-20.1 SR ±0V to 60V / ±0A to 20.1A Please Call
PBZ60-26.8 SR ±0V to 60V / ±0A to 26.8A Please Call
PBZ60-33.5 SR ±0V to 60V / ±0A to 33.5A Please Call
PBZ80-15 SR ±0V to 80V / ±0A to 15A Please Call
PBZ80-20 SR ±0V to 80V / ±0A to 20A Please Call
PBZ80-25 SR ±0V to 80V / ±0A to 25A Please Call

PBZ Series Rentals

Model Specification Price (Per Week)
PBZ40-10 ±0V to 40V / ±0A to 10A £350.00
PBZ20-20 ±0V to 20V / ±0A to 10A £350.00

Showing 1–16 of 27 results