Rigol RSA5032N Real-Time Spectrum Analyser with Vector Network Analyser
The RIGOL RSA5032N is a real time spectrum analyser with frequency range from 9kHz to 3.2GHz. It includes the tracking generator and the VNA functionality to perform S11, S21 and Distance to Fault (DTF) measurements.
- Spectrum analysis from 9kHz to 3.2GHz
- DANL: <-165 dBm (typical)
- Phase noise: <-108 dBc/Hz (typical)
- Level measurement uncertainty: <0.8 dB
- Min. RBW 1 Hz
- Up to 40 MHz real-time analysis bandwidth
- 7.45 µsec 100% POI (at 40MHz)
- Advanced measurement functions
- VSA measurement application (option)
- EMI measurement application (option)
- NEW VNA measurement application (standard)
Rigol RSA5000N Real-Time Spectrum Analyser Comparison Table
Model | Frequency Range | Real-Time Bandwidth | Minimum Resolution Bandwidth (RBW) | Maximum CW RF Power | SSB Phase Noise (@10kHz Offset) | Displayed Average Noise Level (DANL) |
RSA5032N | 9kHz – 3.2GHz | 40MHz | 1Hz | +33 dBm (2 W) | <-108dBc/Hz | <-165 dBm (typical) |
RSA5065N | 9kHz – 6.5GHz | 40MHz | 1Hz | +33 dBm (2 W) | <-108dBc/Hz | <-165 dBm (typical) |
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