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Knowledge Base DG4000 Series

What file formats does RIGOL use for storage of waveforms etc? What is the different between Trace and Waveform?

RIGOL uses many Storage Types and Telonic Ltd. has added this description to To access, on oscilloscopes for example, press [Storage] to select the desired storage type. The default is “Picture”. The storage and recall descriptions of each type are as follows, with the examples in this case taken from as DS2000-series oscilloscope (so other instruments such as DG-seri...

RIGOL DG4062 Wave generator simulates heartbeat, for life-saving pacemaker medical technology… with help of RIGOL-UK’s Team Telonic Instruments Ltd.

A cost-beating means of simulating heart beats has emerged as another new application for, this time using a RIGOL waveform generator as an important part of the systems for verifying life-saving hospital equipment. Patients with Cardiac dysrhythmia (also known as arrhythmia or irregular heartbeat) can have any of a group of conditions in which the electrical activity of the hear...

Rigol PC Software Versions

The table below lists the versions of Rigol PC software applications that are currently available for download from this Rigol-UK website. To find a download for your instrument... Go to the webpage for your instrument > Click on the 'DOCUMENTS, SOFTWARE & VIDEOS' tab (beneath the images). The downloads will be found in the 'PC Software' section. ...

What about RIGOL battery and portable use? Can you run RIGOL Scopes and Spectrum Analysers from Battery or portable UPS Power Supplies?

Running the DSA815 from a battery (see also comment about other instruments) Although the size and weight of the DSA800's make it attractive for use in locations where there is no power, it suffers from the lack of an internal battery. A Google search uncovers a raft of battery backed up power supplies but the recommendation is that the DSA800's run from a supply that has a sine output. For thi...

USB stick / flash drive / memory sticks must fully compliant with USB2.0* standard compliant w/Win7 – Info on good sticks, esp. earlier models:

We have found many instruments to be fussy about USB sticks (more common on instruments of slightly longer-standing design). Like PictBridge standard, USB memory specs can be quite open to interpretation and may vary between manufacturers. Please try the following guidelines if you are having difficulty - it is especially important you can rely on the stick you have chosen, if you decide to do ...

Will I get a UK phone number for the team who sold to me?

Yes. With Telonic Ltd., Berkshire, for post-sales service you can always speak to someone UK-based first....

When installing Ultra Sigma I get a message PC telling me to install NIVISA / VISA Runtime engine. What am i doing wrong?

If you wish to use UltraSigma (PC driver set) you may be invited to install the National Instruments VISA/IVI drivers FIRST (industry-wide driver architecture for instrument). If you wish to proceed... First of all, please install the NI-VISA runtime engine from this website: Please note: Telonic is not responsible for the content of 3rd party websites. It is generally best to stick wit...

Using a Rigol product key to generate a Rigol software licence code.

Please note... You must enter the product key exactly as it appears on the certificate. The serial number is made up of capital letters and numbers only - There are no lower case letters and no spaces. Please take care when entering the serial number! If you enter an incorrect but valid serial number, the generated software licence code will not b...

Rigol PC Software Summary


How do I connect my instrument via my LAN to UltraSigma PC Software?

First of all, ensure your instrument as the option for LAN connection and ensure you have a PC running the latest version of UltraSigma download from RIGOL and this PC is successfully connected to the same local area network as you're plugging your instrument into. In order for you to connect your Rigol equipment via LAN you must: Ensure your instrument is connected through the LAN...

Getting started with Rigol PC Software Tools

To find a PC software download for your instrument... Go to the webpage for your instrument > Click on the 'DOCUMENTS, SOFTWARE & VIDEOS' tab beneath the images. Please note... Rigol software files are downloaded in .rar data containers or .zip compressed files. The files must be unpacked or unzipped before installation. Ultra Sigma must be installed before any ...

Can I get help with programming my Instrument?

RIGOL provides drivers and programming functions as part of your warranted and purchased package. Programming itself can be achieved in many different ways with tools which are largely the choice of the customer. For this reason, we can't support your systems but we can sometimes help you find information - we ask you to first review the programming guide for your instrument and make sure it is su...