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Knowledge Base DSA800 Series

How to use UltraSigma to retrieve trace data from a DSA800

1.    Download and install UltraSigma software  2.    Physically connect instrument to LAN network and get IP address. You can check the IP address by pressing SYSTEM > IO SETTING > LAN  ...

How to check the version of UltraSpectrum software

How to check the version of UltraSpectrum software Start UltraSigma software Select the spectrum analyser that you wish to control by left-clicking on the instrument ID string Right-click and select UltraSpectrum ...

Defective UltraSpectrum display with DSA800 series

If you experience a defective UltraSpectrum display while connected to a DSA800 series spectrum analyser the most likely cause is due to a UltraSpectrum software version mismatch. Software version corrects the issue and can be downloaded from the blue Downloads tab at:...

How can sweep time effect my Spectrum Measurements?

Spectrum analysers can be used to observe modulated signals. But, some settings may have to be adjusted to observe the signals clearly.In this example, we are going to show how the sweep time and selected detector type can effect the displayed data....

DSA800 Prefix: How to more easily save filenames

The latest revision of firmware (DSA815 00.01.12) has the ability to save a prefix for use with file saves. This can make data entry a bit easier. -    Press SYSTEM > Down arrow to page 2 > Select Name Prefix ...

How do you add a correction file to the S1210 software tool?

Select Tools at the top of the S1210 application window....

How to save a trace as a CSV with the DSA800 Series

To save a trace as a CSV: 1) Insert USB stick into the USB port on the front panel  NOTE: The format of the USB stick must be FAT32  2)    Press STORAGE > ...

Booting the DSA800 series Spectrum Analysers from a USB memory stick

If your DSA800 series spectrum analyser does not boot when powered up it may be possible to correct the issue by booting off of a USB memory stick. When the spectrum analyser is powered on you will see a message at the bottom left corner of the display that says: ...

S1210 – Using dBuV units successfully

Recent versions of DSA815 Firmware and S1210 software improved the operation of the amplitude units in the software. These versions are: Instrument Firmware – 00.01.19 1210 Software – 05.00.07 ...

S1210 Final Scan

Once a pre-scan has been done there are 2 ways to add a marker: Double click on the graph in the Measure window. That will create a marker in the Marker Table: Or right click in the marker table area to add a marker: ...

How to setup Scan Configurations in EMI mode

Built-in scan table with independent settings for each range make it easy to configure complex scans with multiple detectors all on one screen....

How to Identify Peaks in EMI mode

Analyse data from a completed scan against limit lines and search for peaks. Isolate these signals for further examination automatically....