Siglent SDS2204X PLUS 4Ch, 200MHz, 2GSa/s, Super Phosphor Oscilloscope

£1609.00 (£1,930.80 inc VAT)

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Siglent SDS2204X Plus Super Phosphor Oscilloscope

The SDS2204X PLUS is a 4CH, 200MHz Super Phosphor Oscilloscope and has a maximum sampling rate of 2GSa/s with a standard record length of 200Mpts. Siglent Technologies proudly presents the 3rd generation of their 2000 series of oscilloscopes. Five years after the introduction of the very successful SDS2000X, Siglent has continued to implement customer feedback and now present the new SDS2000X Plus Series. Designed to impress, the X Plus has a feature-rich standard configuration and options that make it a powerful and flexible tool for all general purpose tasks in the lab.


  • Bandwidth: 200MHz
  • Sample Rate (Max.): 2GSa/s (Interleaving Mode), 1GSa/s (Non-Interleaving Mode)
  • Memory Depth (Max.): 200Mpts/Ch (Interleaving Mode), 100Mpts/Ch (Non-Interleaving Mode)
  • Waveform Capture Rate (Max.): 120,000 wfms/s (Normal Mode), 500,000 wfms/s (Sequence Mode)
  • Vertical Resolution: 8-bit. 10-bit mode (with typical 100MHz bandwidth)
  • Trigger Type: Edge, Slope, Pulse, Window, Runt, Interval, Dropout, Pattern, Video and Serial
  • Serial Trigger and Decode: Standard = I2C, SPI, UART, CAN, LIN. Optional = CAN FD, FlexRay, I2S, MIL-STD-1553B
  • Measurements: More than 50 parameters, supports statistics with histogram and trend.
  • Math: 2 Traces, 2Mpts FFT, +, -, x, ÷, d/dt, ∫dt, √, average, ERES, and formula editor
  • Data Processing and Analysis Tools: Search, Navigate, History, Mask test, Bode plot, Power Analysis (Optional) and Counter
  • Digital Channel (Optional): 16-Channel; Maximum sample rate up to 500MSa/s; record length up to 50Mpts/Ch
  • Waveform Generator (Optional): Single Channel, frequency up to 50MHz, 125MSa/s sample rate, 16kpts waveform memory
  • Interface: USB 2.0 Host x2, USB 2.0 Device, LAN, External trigger, Auxillary output (TRIG OUT, PASS/FAIL)
  • Probe (Standard): PP215, 200MHz, 1 probe supplied for each channel
  • Display: 10.1″ TFT-LCD with capacitive touch screen (1024×600)

Siglent SDS2000X Plus Oscilloscope Comparison Table

Model Channels Bandwidth Real Time Sampling Rate Capture Rate Memory Depth
SDS2102X Plus 2 + EXT 100MHz 2GSa/s (Interleaving Mode) 120,000wfm/s (Normal Mode) 200Mpts/CH (Interleaving Mode)
SDS2104X Plus 4 + EXT 100MHZ 2GSa/s (Interleaving Mode) 120,000wfm/s (Normal Mode) 200Mpts/CH (Interleaving Mode)
SDS2204X Plus 4 + EXT 200MHz 2GSa/s (Interleaving Mode) 120,000wfm/s (Normal Mode) 200Mpts/CH (Interleaving Mode)
SDS2354X Plus 4 + EXT 350MHz 2GSa/s (Interleaving Mode) 120,000wfm/s (Normal Mode) 200Mpts/CH (Interleaving Mode)

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Acquisition System
Sample Rate 2 GSa/s (interleaving mode),1 GSa/s (non-interleaving mode)
Memory depth 200 Mpts/ch (interleaving mode) * 3, 100 Mpts/ch (non-interleaving mode)
Waveform capture rate Normal mode: 120,000 wfm/s max.
Sequence mode: 500,000 wfm/s max
Trace intensity 256 grades
Peak detect 1 ns minimum detectable pulse
Sequence 90,000 frames max.; Interval between triggers = 2 μs min.
History 90,000 frames max
Interpolation Sin(x)/x, x
Horizontal System
Time scale 1 ns/div – 1000 s/div
0.5 ns/div – 1000 s/div when 500 MHz bandwidth option is installed
Horizontal range 10 divisions
Display mode Y-T, X-Y, Roll (≥50 ms/div)
Skew CH1~CH4) <100 ps
Time base Accuracy ±1ppm initial; ±1ppm 1st year aging; ±3.5ppm 10-year aging
Vertical System
Analogue channels SDS2354X Plus: 4 + EXT
SDS2204X Plus: 4 + EXT
SDS2102/4X Plus: 2/4 + EXT
Bandwidth (-3dB)
@ 50 Ω
SDS2354X Plus: 350 MHz (standard), 500 MHz (optional)
SDS2204X Plus: 200 MHz
SDS2102/4X Plus: 100 MHz
Rise time (typical)
@ 50 Ω
SDS2354X Plus: 1 ns (standard)
800 ps (optional)SDS2204X Plus: 1.7 ns
SDS2102/4X Plus: 3.5 ns
Resolution 8-bit. 10-bit mode (with typical 100 MHz bandwidth)
Vertical range 8 divisions
Vertical scale
(probe 1X)
1MΩ: 500 μV/div – 10 V/div
50 Ω: 500 μV/div – 1 V/div
DC gain accuracy ≤ 3.0%
Offset accuracy ±(1.5%*offset+1.5%*full scale+1 mV)
Offset range (probe 1X) 500 μV/div ~ 100 mV/div: ± 2 V
102 mV/div ~ 1 V/div: ± 20 V
1.02 V/div ~ 10 V/div: ± 200 V
Bandwidth flatness
@ 50 Ω
10 kHz ~ BW/10: ±0.5 dB
BW/10 ~ BW/3: ±0.8 dB
BW/3 ~ BW2/3: +1.0 dB, -1.2 dB
BW2/3 ~ BW: +2.0 dB, -2.5 dB
Bandwidth limit 20 MHz (-0, +20%)
200 MHz (-0, +20%)
Low frequency response
(AC coupling -3 dB)
5 Hz (typical)
Overshoot (150ps fast
edge input @50Ω)
<12% (typical)
Coupling DC, AC, GND
Impedance (1 MΩ ±2%) || (17 pF ±2 pF)
50 Ω: 50 Ω ±1%
Max. Input voltage 1 MΩ ≤400 Vpk(DC + AC), DC~10 kHz
50 Ω ≤5 Vrms, ±10 V Peak
SFDR ≥40 dB
CH to CH Isolation
@ 50Ω
DC~100 MHz: >40 dB
100 MHz ~ BW: ≥34 dB
Probe Attenuation 1X, 10X, 100X, Custom
Trigger System
Mode Auto, Normal, Single
Level Internal: ±4.1 div from the center of the screen
EXT: ±0.61 V, EXT/5: ±3.05 V
Hold off range By time:8 ns ~ 30 s (8 ns step)
By event:1 ~ 10
Coupling CH1~CH4
DC: Passes all components of the signal
AC: Blocks DC components and attenuates signals below 20 Hz
LFRJ: Attenuates the frequency components below 1.2 MHz
HFRJ: Attenuates the frequency components above 600 kHz
Noise RJ: Increases the trigger hysteresis
DC: Passes all components of the signal
AC: Blocks DC components and attenuates signals below 8 Hz
LFRJ: Attenuates the frequency components below 33 kHz
HFRJ: Attenuates the frequency components above 967 kHz
Accuracy (typical) CH1~CH4: ±0.2 div
EXT: ±0.3 div
Sensitivity CH1 ~ CH4:
Noise RJ = OFF Noise RJ = ON
>10 mV/div: ±0.13 div ±0.33 div
5 mV/div~10 mV/div: ±0.26 div ±0.33 div
≤ 2 mV/div: ±0.5 div ±0.5 div
200 mVpp, DC ~ 10 MHz
300 mVpp, 10 MHz ~ 300 MHz
1 Vpp, DC ~ 10 MHz
1.5 Vpp, 10 MHz ~ 300 MHz
Jitter CH1~CH4: <10 ps rms, 6 divisions pk-pk, 2 ns edge
EXT: <200 ps rms
Displacement Pre-Trigger: 0 ~ 100% memory
Delay-Trigger: 0 ~ 5,000 div
Zone Up to 2 zones; Source: CH1~CH4; Property: Intersect, Not Intersect
Edge Trigger
Source CH1~CH4/EXT/(EXT/5)/AC Line/D0~D15
Slope Rising, Falling, Rising & Falling
Slope Trigger
Source CH1~CH4
Slope Rising, Falling
Limit range ≤, ≥, in range, out of range
Time range 2 ns ~ 20 s,1 ns resolution
Pulse Width Trigger
Source CH1~CH4/D0~D15
Polarity +wid, -wid
Limit range ≤, ≥, in range, out of range
Time range 2 ns ~ 20 s,1 ns resolution
Video Trigger
Source CH1~CH4
Standard NTSC,PAL,720p/50,720p/60,1080p/50,1080p/60,1080i/50,1080i/60,Custom
Synchronization Any, Select
Trigger Condition Line, Field
Window Trigger
Source CH1~CH4
Window type Absolute, Relative
Interval Trigger
Source CH1~CH4/D0~D15
Slope Rising, Falling
Limit range ≤, ≥, in range, out of range
Time range 2 ns ~ 20 s,1 ns resolution
Dropout Trigger
Source CH1~CH4/D0~D15
Timeout type Edge, State
Slope Rising, Falling
Time range 2 ns ~ 20 s,1 ns resolution
Runt Trigger
Source CH1~CH4
Polarity Positive, Negative
Limit range ≤, ≥, in range, out of range
Time range 2 ns ~ 20 s,1 ns resolution
Pattern Trigger
Source CH1~CH4/D0~D15
Pattern Setting Don’t Care, Low, High
Limit range ≤, ≥, in range, out of range
Time range 2 ns ~ 20 s,1 ns resolution
Serial Trigger
Source CH1~CH4/D0~D15
Protocol Standard: I2C、SPI、UART、CAN、LIN
Optional: CAN FD、FlexRay、I2S、MIL-STD-1553B
I2C Trigger Type: Start, Stop, Restart, No Ack, EEPROM, Address & Data, Data Length
SPI Trigger Type: Data
UART Trigger Type: Start, Stop, Data, Parity Error
CAN Trigger Type: All, Remote, ID, ID+Data, Error
LIN Trigger Type: Break, Frame ID, ID+Data, Error
CAN FD Trigger (Optional) Type: Start, Remote, ID, ID+Data, Error
FlexRay trigger
Type: TSS, Frame, Symbol, Errors
I2S trigger (optional) Type: Data, Mute, Clip, Glitch, Rising Edge, Falling Edge
MIL-STD-1553B trigger
Type: Transfer, Word, Error, Timing
General Specifications
Input Voltage &
100 ~ 240 Vrms 50/60Hz
100 ~ 120 Vrms 400Hz
Power consumption 80 W max., 50 W typical, 4 W typical in standby mode
Temperature Operating: 0 °C ~ 40 °C
Non-operating: -20 °C ~ 60 °C
Humidity Operating: 85% RH, 40 °C , 24 hours
Non-operating: 85% RH, 65 °C, 24 hours
Altitude Operating: ≤3,000 m
Non-operating: ≤15,266 m
Display Type 10.1”TFT LCD with capacitive touch screen
Resolution 1024×600
Contrast 500:1 typical
Backlight 500 nit typical
Dimensions Length x Height x Width = 352 mm×224 mm×111 mm
Weight Net Weight: 3.3 kg (2-ch); 3.9 kg (4-ch)
Gross Weight: 4.8 kg (2-ch); 5.4 kg (4-ch)


Specifications are liable to change. For the full list of Specifications, please see the products datasheet located under the ‘Documentation’ tab.


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