Rigol DS1000E Series Digital Oscilloscopes (Discontinued)

Bandwidth: 50MHz, 100MHz | Channels: 2 | Max Sample Rate: 500MSa/s / 1GSa/s

  • Low Ripple Noise: <350uvrms / 2mvpp
  • Bandwidth: 50MHz, 100MHz
  • Channels: 2
  • Equivalent-Time Sample Rate: 10GSa/s, 25GSa/s
  • Rise Time: 3.5ns, 7ns

The Rigol DS1000E Series are the value leader with 50-100 MHz models that include 2 channels and 1 Million points of memory. With features including FFTs, record and replay, roll mode, alternate trigger mode, and adjustable trigger sensitivity the 1000 Series is a great entry for value oscilloscope requirements.

Model Channels Bandwidth Max Sample Rate Equivalent-Time Sample Rate Rise Time Trigger Modes Price
DS1052E 2 50MHz 1GSa/s (1CH) 500MSa/s (2CH) 10GSa/s 7ns Edge, Video, Pulse, Slope, Alternate £320.00
DS1102E 2 100MHz 1GSa/s (1CH) 500MSa/s (2CH) 25GSa/s 3.5ns Edge, Video, Pulse, Slope, Alternate £373.00

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