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Knowledge Base Spectrum Analysers

How do I save a user setup with a DSA800?

To save a setup: 1)    Insert USB stick into the USB port on the front panel  NOTE: The format of the USB stick must be FAT32  2)    Press STORAGE > Set BROWSER to DIR. You can press the butt...

How can I optimize the Peak scan measurements on a DSA spectrum analyser?

Spectrum analysers are extremely helpful tools for visualising signals in frequency space. This note will describe how to use settings to minimize error when performing peak measurements using a Rigol DSA Spectrum analyser.Radio Frequency signals, especially continuous wave (CW) signals, have a finite frequency width.  ...

Using Excel and VBA with DSA800 spectrum Analysers

Microsoft Excel and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is a great way for engineers who need to analyse and archive data from their instrument to access the data without deep programming skills.With this in mind, we have created VBA examples for some of our instruments including this one for Spectrum Analyzers including...

NRSC AM Measurements using a DSA

The Rigol DSA815 Spectrum Analyser has a built in Limit Line test that can be a convenient way to measure and compare spectral power against specific masks used for various signal types. One common test is NRSC Amplitude Modulation (AM) test. In this example, we are going to use the Pass/Fail mask to evaluate an AM Channel vs. limits set up by the National R...

How do I measure FM Deviation with a DSA?

General purpose spectrum analysers like the Rigol DSA series can be used to test the deviation of an FM signal. In this example, we are going to measure the FM deviation of a 10MHz FM signal with a DSA815. This is Rigol’s 1.5GHz spectrum analyser. NOTE: We are starting from Fact...

What is the fastest sweep time in Zero Span mode with a Spectrum Analyser?

The Rigol DSA815 Spectrum analyser features a zero span mode that can be helpful in observing modulated signals. In swept mode, the detector of the analyser is sweeping across a span of frequencies at a predefined rate. The display then shows the amplitude vs. frequency of that swept scan.  In zero span mode, the detect...

How to use UltraSigma to retrieve trace data from a DSA800

1.    Download and install UltraSigma software  2.    Physically connect instrument to LAN network and get IP address. You can check the IP address by pressing SYSTEM > IO SETTING > LAN  ...

How to Load an RSA3000 License Option


How to check the version of UltraSpectrum software

How to check the version of UltraSpectrum software Start UltraSigma software Select the spectrum analyser that you wish to control by left-clicking on the instrument ID string Right-click and select UltraSpectrum ...

Defective UltraSpectrum display with DSA800 series

If you experience a defective UltraSpectrum display while connected to a DSA800 series spectrum analyser the most likely cause is due to a UltraSpectrum software version mismatch. Software version corrects the issue and can be downloaded from the blue Downloads tab at:...

How can sweep time effect my Spectrum Measurements?

Spectrum analysers can be used to observe modulated signals. But, some settings may have to be adjusted to observe the signals clearly.In this example, we are going to show how the sweep time and selected detector type can effect the displayed data....

EMI Test System Software Getting Started Guide

The Rigol EMI Test System Software is designed to make precompliance scanning with a Rigol DSA family of Spectrum Analyzer easy. This Note is an addendum to the Software User’s Guide. We will set up a prescan, create an amplitude correction table, set limit lines, and perform a final scan. ...