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Knowledge Base RSA5000 Series

How to setup Scan Configurations in EMI mode

Built-in scan table with independent settings for each range make it easy to configure complex scans with multiple detectors all on one screen....

How to Identify Peaks in EMI mode

Analyse data from a completed scan against limit lines and search for peaks. Isolate these signals for further examination automatically....

How to generate reports in EMI mode

Once the testing and debugging is complete, use the EMI Measurement Application to generate complete test reports with notes, screenshots, and data. Integrate test, debug, and reporting all on one platform for consistency and productivity. Watch the EMI Mode create html and pdf reports for the test archive....

How to configure traces and detectors in EMI mode

An important first step for Pre-Compliance is selecting the detectors to start with. Different detectors may limit your sweep speed and change the meaning of the results. Learn how to set up detectors and traces....

How to Compare Board Revisions with the EMI mode

Pre-Compliance testing is about more than just recording emissions. Use the EMI Application to compare between board revisions making sure the product is getting close to compliance as it gets closer to launch....

How to use the Meter Feature in EMI mode

EMI Mode shows live measurements of markers or signals against multiple detectors simultaneously simplifying comparison and analysis....

UltraSpectrum Compatibility with DSA800 and RSA5000/3000 series Remote control options

For DSA875/832/832E: If you experience a defective UltraSpectrum display while connected to a DSA875/DSA832/DSA832E series spectrum analyser, the most likely cause is due to a UltraSpectrum and firmware version mismatch. To correct the issue, download the firmware version 1.06 for DSA875/DSA832/DSA832E from the below dow...