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Knowledge Base DSA800 Series

How to get the specified DANL of -135dBm? (typ, +6dB f/GHz)

A simple sequence of settings will help you dig into the noise floor. With any Spectrum Analyser, setting up the (1) Span, (2) Attenuator, (3) Pre-amp and (4) Resolution Bandwidth settings - these are all important starting points to getting the best noise floor. Remember, safety first (no input or power RF nearby) and try adjusting these four settings to find out more about what to turn on, and o...

How do radio amateurs use RIGOL’s DSA815? And for what kinds of applications?

Some simple examples of useful Radio Club application: An FM Broadcast Station was causing interference to our 2m to 4m transverter. This corresponded to an FM station which was recently launched. There were no problems before this Broadcast station went live: "We were able to identify all of the transverter RX output signals (wanted and spurious)" On the DSA815-TG the tracking generator can be us...

How do I check my DSA is working properly?

Follow these instructions showing you how to do some quick checks on performance. You'll know what performance to expect. They start with a handy factory reset and calibrate....

How do I add a horizontal Display Line to my DSA screen?

There is a handy video reminder here showing many functions you can use on your DSA - many are under-used so don't miss out on them check it for some useful features!...

Are there any independent reviews of RIGOL Spectrum Analysers like DSA815 in the UK?

Yes, RSGB's RADCOM reviewed the DSA815-TG. (The relevant issue is RADCOM May 2013 pp36-39 N.B. accidentally omitted from the issue contents page!) There's lots of good comment about this from leading affiliated Radio Club where they have blogged about DSA...

How do I connect my instrument via my LAN to UltraSigma PC Software?

First of all, ensure your instrument as the option for LAN connection and ensure you have a PC running the latest version of UltraSigma download from RIGOL and this PC is successfully connected to the same local area network as you're plugging your instrument into. In order for you to connect your Rigol equipment via LAN you must: Ensure your instrument is connected through the LAN...

Getting started with Rigol PC Software Tools

To find a PC software download for your instrument... Go to the webpage for your instrument > Click on the 'DOCUMENTS, SOFTWARE & VIDEOS' tab beneath the images. Please note... Rigol software files are downloaded in .rar data containers or .zip compressed files. The files must be unpacked or unzipped before installation. Ultra Sigma must be installed before any ...

Can I get help with programming my Instrument?

RIGOL provides drivers and programming functions as part of your warranted and purchased package. Programming itself can be achieved in many different ways with tools which are largely the choice of the customer. For this reason, we can't support your systems but we can sometimes help you find information - we ask you to first review the programming guide for your instrument and make sure it is su...

Can I get help on using complex functions on my instrument

Yes, if you are stuck immediately after buying your instrument - we do also ask you to review the PDF of the User Manual. Searching key words using the 'find' (control-F) facility can also help - many manuals cover extensive details of the many rich functions in RIGOL instruments. If any of these menus are not working we can find out if there may be warranty support, or a UK person to assist, subj...

After receiving my instrument(s), what should I do with my RIGOL Warranty Card?

There is no need to take any action regarding the warranty card supplied with your Rigol product. Your purchase has been recorded at Telonic Instruments. Your warranty begins from the date of delivery. Each Rigol instrument comes with a 3 year warranty. The first year is with Telonic Instruments and the subsequent 2 years is with Rigol EU....