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Knowledge Base DSA800 Series

Is the DSA-815 CISPR Compliant?

The Rigol DSA-815 Spectrum Analyser represents a significant shift in how companies perform EMI and EMC testing. Now, R&D Engineers can afford to have test equipment that allows them to troubleshoot and test designs on their bench without having to schedule and pay for time at a full compliance lab. As with any product, there are trade-offs for cost vs. ...

DSA800 audio demod questions

Here are some additional details about the DSA-815 series of spectrum analysers:1) What is the output impedance for the earphone?• Typically around 100 OHM (non-specified)2) What is the output power of e...

Using a Tracking Generator


Hints for optimizing Demodulation with a Spectrum Analyser

The Rigol DSA1000 and DSA800 series spectrum analysers have demodulation capabilities.Here are some hints that can optimize the demodulation output.1. Use an antenna matched for the frequencies of interest...

How to measure a Digital TV Pilot Carrier Signal with a DSA815

Here is a user submitted  application note on measuring Digital TV Pilot Carrier frequency.Thanks to Frank Hertel Newman-Kees RF Measurements & Engineering.1.    Under Control -- “BW / Det” -- “Det Type”, select POS PEAK Detector....

Spectrum Analyser Feature Demonstration

The DSA 800 series of spectrum analysers are packed with features. Spectrum analysers are similar to oscilloscopes.. except that they measure and display amplitude vs. frequency and not amplitude vs. time as a scope does. Typical applications...

DSA800 Series creating manual limit lines

The DSA815 features two pass fail limit lines, one upper and one lower. This document describes how to manually configure the upper limit line. •    In the control menu on the front pane, press Trace/P/F •    Select Pass/Fail ...

Detector use cases

This document highlights some of the common uses for Spectrum Analyser Detector Types....

S1210 Changing the Workspace path

When the S1210 application is started up a default Workspace path and demo file is created. In the example below the demo Workspace file has been created in C:/Users/ruby/AppData/Local:...

Measuring Cable Loss with a Spectrum Analyser

A spectrum analyser with a tracking generator can be a useful piece of test gear. This application note covers making a simple loss measurement on a coaxial cable with BNC connectors.  Required: –    Two N-type to BNC Adapters. Select adapters that convert N-type (in/out connectors on most spectrum analyzers) to t...

UltraSpectrum License Activation instructions

Ultra Spectrum is a software package that enables remote control and data collection from Rigol DSA spectrum analyzers.It is available for trial.After the trial period has expired, you can purchase an activation license by contacting your local Rigol sales office.Here are instructio...

Working with correction factors

Some applications require adjusting the displayed amplitude to accurately account for losses in cables, gain in amplifiers/antennas, and other circuit elements. This note presents the steps to create, save, and recall correction factors on a DSA800 Series manually and programmatically.  Create a Correction Factor (manu...