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Knowledge Base Digital Oscilloscopes

MSO8000 Advanced Jitter Analysis Capability

Visualise and debug precise timing characteristics in serial data signals. Combine jitter readings with Time Interval Error trend and TIE histogram. The high sample rate and deep memory combine to analyse subtle timing effects of complex signals....

MSO8000 Performance Bandwidth and Risetime Measurements

The MSO8000 Series oscilloscopes have up to 2 GHz bandwidth. High performance risetime and 10 GSa/sec max sampling enables the MSO8000 to precisely analyze signal quality and timing....

MSO8000 Real-Time Eye Analysis Capability

Complete signal quality analysis for serial data transmissions. Eye Diagram Analysis makes it easy to debug subtle timing, noise, and rise-time issues on serial data signals. Combine with Histogram analysis of edge transitions for visualizing and characterizing embedded transmissions....

Perform a Self-Cal on a DS1000Z

To perform a Self -Cal on the DS1000Z first disconnect all of the probes from the instrument.  Then press “Utility” -> arrow down -> “Self-Cal” -> “Start”....

DS1202Z-E Unable to Connect to UltraScope

If you receive the following error when connecting the DS1202Z-E to Ultra Scope that is because the oscilloscope is newer then the UltraSigma release. ...

Probe Compensation

In Order to insure system signal fidelity it is critical that probes be compensated to the instrument, Over or under compensated probes can cause distortions of your measurements and bad results....

Probe Basics

Making connection to your device under test is critical to accurate measurements. Learn the basics parts of the probing system and what they do....

Measure Delay and Phase Offset

Quickly determine the delay and phase between multiple channels using standard delay and phase measurements helps to identify system interactions and timing problems. ...

Making your first measurement

Provides and overview on how to quickly and easily start making measurements on your oscilloscope. ...

Introduction to Triggering

Overview of what triggering is, why it is important, and some key terminology associated with it....

Creating Arbitrary Waves from Scope Captures

How to easily capture a problematic signal and reproduce it for debugging purposes....

Controlling your instrument over the LAN with UltraScope

Seamlessly connect, control and monitor your scope via ethernet using the RIGOL UltraScope utility. Perfect for remote control, monitoring, and distributed environments....