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UltraSpectrum License Activation instructions

Posted on: December 16th, 2020 by Doug Lovell

Ultra Spectrum is a software package that enables remote control and data collection from Rigol DSA spectrum analyzers.
It is available for trial.
After the trial period has expired, you can purchase an activation license by contacting your local Rigol sales office.
Here are instructions for activating your license:

  1. Download and install UltraSigma software (see Ultra Sigma instructions for more information)
  2. Download and install Ultra Spectrum
  3. Power on and connect your DSA via USB or Ethernet to the controlling PC
  4. Run UltraSigma. This should bring up a screen as below.. with your DSA information.
  5. Right-click on the resource, and select UltraSpectrum

      6.  You will get a prompt telling how many days left on your trial. Click Activate     

      7.  Enter the license code (Reg Code) and click OK
NOTE: License codes are linked to the instrument serial number.