Siglent SDS1202X-E 2Ch, 200MHz, 1GSa/s, Super Phosphor Oscilloscope

(6 customer reviews)

£287.00 (£344.40 inc VAT)

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Siglent SDS1202X-E Super Phosphor Oscilloscope

The SDS1202X-E is a 2CH, 200MHz Super Phosphor Oscilloscope with a maximum sample rate of 1GSa/s and a standard record length of 14Mpts. For ease-of-use, the most commonly used functions can be accessed with its user-friendly front panel design. The SDS1000X-E Series employs a new generation of SPO (Super Phosphor Oscilloscope) technology that provides excellent signal fidelity and performance. The system noise is also lower than similar products in the industry. It comes with a minimum vertical input range of 500 uV/div, an innovative digital trigger system with high sensitivity and low jitter, and a waveform capture rate of 400,000 frames/sec (sequence mode)

The SDS1000X-E also employs a 256-level intensity grading display function and a colour temperature display mode not found in other models in this class. SIGLENT’s latest oscilloscopes offering supports multiple powerful triggering modes including serial bus triggering. Serial decoding is free and includes IIC, SPI, UART, CAN and LIN. History waveform recording and sequential triggering enable extended waveform recording and analysis. Another powerful addition is the new 1 Mpt FFT math function that gives the SDS1000X-E very high frequency resolution when observing signal spectra. The new design also includes a hardware co-processor that delivers measurements quickly and accurately. The features and performance of SIGLENT’s new SDS1000X-E series cannot be matched anywhere else in this price class.


  • Intelligent trigger: Edge, Slope, Pulse, Width, Window, Runt, Interval, Timeout (Dropout), and Pattern
  • Free serial bus triggering and decoding: IIC, SPI, UART, RS232, CAN and LIN
  • Video triggers and supports HDTV
  • Low background noise and 500 μV/div to 10V / div voltage scales
  • 10 types of one-button shortcuts, supports Auto setup, Default, Cursors, Measure, Roll, History, Display/Persist, Clear Sweep, Zoom and Print
  • Segmented acquisition (Sequence) mode, dividing the maximum record length into multiple segments (up to 80,000), according to trigger conditions set by the user, with a vert small dead time segment to capture the qualifying event
  • History waveform record (History) function, the maximum recorded waveform length is 80,000 frames
  • Automatic measurement function on 38 parameters, supports Statistics, Gating measurement, Math measurement, History measurement, and Ref measurement
  • 1 Mpts FFT
  • True measurement and Math can use all 14 Mpts of memory
  • The preset key can be customised for user settings or factory “defaults”
  • Security Erase mode
  • Highspeed hardware based Pass/Fail function
  • Lage 7-inch TFT-LCD display with 800 * 480 resolution
  • Multiple interfaces types: USB Host, USB Device (USB-TMC), LAN (VXI-11), Pass/Fail, Trigger Out
  • Supports SCPI remote control commands
  • Multi-language display and embedded help
  • Browser control/onboard webpage for software free monitoring (4 channel models only)
  • Bode plotting function controls external generator (SIGLENT SDG or SAG generators, 4 channel models only)

Siglent SDS1000X-E Oscilloscope Comparison Table

Model Channels Bandwidth Real Time Sampling Rate Capture Rate Memory Depth
SDS1202X-E 2 + EXT 200MHz 1GSa/s 100,000 wfm/s (Normal Mode) 400,000 wfm/s (Sequence Mode) 14Mpts
SDS1104X-E 4 100MHz 1GSa/s 100,000 wfm/s (Normal Mode) 400,000 wfm/s (Sequence Mode) 7 Mpts/CH (Non Interleaved)
14 Mpts/CH (Interleaved)
SDS1204X-E 4 200MHz 1GSa/s 100,000 wfm/s (Normal Mode) 400,000 wfm/s (Sequence Mode) 7 Mpts/CH (Non Interleaved)
14 Mpts/CH (Interleaved)

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Acquire System
Sampling Rate 1 GSa/s (single channel/pair), 500 MSa/s (two channels/pair)
Memory Depth Max 14 Mpts/Ch (single channel/pair), 7 Mpts/Ch (two channels/pair)
Peak Detect 2 ns (Four channel series), 4 ns (Two channel series)
Average Averages:4, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024
Eres Enhance bits:0.5, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3
Waveform Interpolation Sin(x)/x, Linear
Channels 4 (Four channel series)
2+EXT (Two channel series)
Coupling DC, AC, GND
Impedance DC: (1 MΩ±2%) || (15 pF ±2 pF) (Four channel series)
DC: (1 MΩ±2%) || (18 pF ±2 pF) (Two channel series)
Max. Input Voltage 1 MΩ: ≤400 Vpk(DC + Peak AC <=10 kHz)
CH to CH Isolation DC-Max BW: >40 dB
Probe Attenuation 0.1X, 0.2X, 0.5X, 1X, 2X, 5X, 10X……1000X, 2000X, 5000X, 10000X
Timebase Scale 1.0 ns/div-100 s/div
Channel Skew <100 ps
Waveform Capture Rate Up to 100,000 wfm/s (normal mode), 400,000 wfm/s (sequence mode)
Intensity Grading 256 Levels
Display Format Y-T, X-Y,Roll
Timebase Accuracy ±25 ppm
Roll Mode 50 ms/div-100 s/div (1-2-5 sequence)
Bandwidth (-3 dB) 200 MHz (SDS1204X-E/SDS1202X-E)
100 MHz (SDS1104X-E)
Vertical Resolution 8-bit
Vertical Scale (Probe 1X) 500 μV/div – 10 V/div (1-2-5 sequence )
Offset Range (Probe 1X) 500uV~118mV: ±2V
120mV~1.18V: ±20V
1.2V~10V: ±200V
Bandwidth Limit 20 MHz ±40%
Bandwidth Flatness DC- 10% (BW): ± 1 dB
10%- 50% (BW): ± 2 dB
50%- 100% (BW): + 2 dB/-3 dB
Low Frequency Response (AC -3 dB) ≤2 Hz (at input BNC)
Noise ST-DEV ≤0.5 division (<1 mV/div)
ST-DEV ≤0.2 division (<2 mV/div)
ST-DEV ≤0.1 division (≥2 mV/div)
SFDR including harmonics ≥35 dB
DC Gain Accuracy ≤±3.0%: 5 mV/div-10 V/div
≤±4.0%: ≤2 mV/div
Offset Accuracy ±(1%* Offset+1.5%*8*div+2 mV): ≥2 mV/div
±(1%* Offset+1.5%*8*div+500 uV): ≤1 mv/div
Risetime Typical 1.8 ns (SDS1204X-E/SDS1202X-E)
Typical 3.5 ns (SDS1104X-E)
Overshoot (500 ps Pulse) <10%
Trigger Mode Auto, Normal, Single
Trigger Level Internal: ±4.5 div from the center of the screen
EXT: ±0.6 V (Two channel series)
EXT/5: ±3 V (Two channel series)
Holdoff Range 80 ns- 1.5 s
Trigger Coupling AC
Noise RJ
Coupling Frequency Response DC: Passes all components of the signal
AC: Blocks DC components and attenuates signals below 8 Hz
LFRJ: Blocks the DC component and attenuates the low-frequency components below 2 MHz
HFRJ: Attenuates the high-frequency components above 1.2 MHz
Coupling Frequency Response (EXT, Two
channels series)
DC: Passes all components of the signal
AC: Blocks DC components and attenuates signals below 20 Hz
LFRJ: Blocks the DC components and attenuates low-frequency components below 7 kHz
HFRJ: Attenuates high-frequency components above 160 kHz
Trigger Accuracy (typical) Internal: ±0.2 div
EXT (Two channel series): ±0.4 div
Trigger Sensitivity DC – Max BW 0.6 div
EXT (Two channel series): 200 mVpp DC– 10 MHz
300 mVpp 10 MHz – BW frequency
EXT/5 (Two channel series): 1 Vpp DC – 10 MHz
1.5 Vpp 10 MHz -BW frequency
Trigger Jitter < 100 ps
Trigger Displacement Pre-Trigger: 0 – 100% Memory
Delay Trigger: 0 to 10,000 div
Edge Trigger
Slope Rising, Falling, Rising&Falling
Source All channels/ EXT/ (EXT/5)/ AC Line (Two channel series)
All channels/ AC Line (Four channel series)
Slope Trigger
Slope Rising, Falling
Limit Range < , > , <> , ><
Source All channels
Time Range 2 ns- 4.2 s
Resolution 1 ns
Pulse Trigger
Polarity +wid , -wid
Limit Range < , > , <> , ><
Source All channel
Pulse Range 2 ns ~ 4.2 s
Resolution 1 ns
Video Trigger
Signal Standard NTSC,PAL,720p/50,720p/60,1080p/50,1080p/60,1080i/50,1080i/60,Custom
Source All channels
Sync Any, Select
Trigger Condition Line, Field
Window Trigger
Window Type Absolute, Relative
Source All channels
Interval Trigger
Slope Rising, Falling
Limit Range < , > , <> , ><
Source All channels
Time Range 2 ns ~ 4.2 s
Resolution 1 ns
Dropout Trigger
Timeout Type Edge, State
Source All channels
Slope Rising, Falling
Time Range 2 ns ~ 4.2 s
Resolution 1 ns
Runt Trigger
Polarity +wid , -wid
Limit Range < , > , <> , ><
Source All channels
Time Range 2 ns ~ 4.2 s
Resolution 1 ns
Pattern Trigger
Pattern Setting Invalid, Low, High
Source All channels
Limit Range < , > , <> , ><
Time Range 2 ns ~ 4.2 s
Resolution 1 ns
Cursors Manual : Time X1, X2, (X1-X2), (1/ΔT) Voltage Y1, Y2, (Y1-Y2)
Track: Time X1, X2, (X1-X2)
Statistics Current, Mean, Min, Max, Stdev, Count
Counter Hardware 6 bit 6-digit counter(channels are selectable)
Temperature Operating: 0℃ ~ +40℃
Non-operating: -20℃ ~ +60℃
Humidity Operating: 85% RH, 40℃ , 24 hours
Non-operating: 85% RH, 65℃ , 24 hours
Height Operating: ≤3000 m
Non-operating: ≤15,000 m
General Specifications
Input Voltage 100 – 240 Vrms (± 10%), 50 / 60 Hz
100 – 120 Vrms (± 10%), 400 Hz
Power 50W Max(Four channel series)
25W Max(Two channel series)
Dimensions & Weight 4 CH Series: Length: 312 mm, Width: 132.6 mm, Height: 151 mm, N.W: 2.6 kg; G.W: 3.8 kg
2 CH Series: Length: 312 mm, Width: 134 mm, Height: 150 mm, N.W: 2.5 kg; G.W: 3.5 kg
Display Type 7-inch TFT LCD
Display Resolution 800×480
Display Colour 24 bit
Contrast (Typical) 500:1
Backlight 300 nit
Range 8 x 14 divisions


Specifications are liable to change. For the full list of Specifications, please see the products datasheet located under the ‘Documentation’ tab.

6 reviews for Siglent SDS1202X-E 2Ch, 200MHz, 1GSa/s, Super Phosphor Oscilloscope

  1. Alaric S-P

    I’ve just upgraded to this unit from an old 5MHz analogue scope I’ve struggled on with for years… It’s great to finally have all these digital features I’ve only been able to dream of before, plus the scope being so small and light. The best thing about this unit was the affordable price, so a cheapskate like me can afford it 🙂

  2. Mike S

    I spent some time choosing this product and I am very satisfied. This has the functionality of what would have cost a many times more ten years ago. I had some challenges paying via the web site but these were resolved by a simple ‘phone call. Product was safely delivered as expected.

  3. Anonymous

    Title says it all… I needed a scope for working from home and selected this siglent model. It’s a really responsive scope and everything has been really easy to use. The built in protocol decoder has been really useful and straight forward as well. Great service from Telonic as well, the price was the best around and it arrived the morning after I ordered it, which considering we are in COVID-19 lockdown was impressive.

  4. Daniel

    Ordered the product wednesday night and had it on my doorstep by 9 on Friday. Well packaged, clear communication and all in working order.

  5. Chris

    Fast, responsive scope, good quality probes, easy to use and excellent triggering and automatic measurements.

  6. Brian B

    Purchase experience was very good. I am in the the early days regarding the understanding and use of the scope.
    I am a retired electronics engineer with a renewed interest in things like IOT / Arduino creating my own projects that need good analysis & debugging tools .. hope this modern SPO will be a major aid!

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