
Rigol DS1054Z 4CH, 50MHz, 1GSa/s, 24Mpts Digital Oscilloscope, Resale Unit, 10% Discount, 2 Years Warranty

Original price was: £287.00.Current price is: £258.30. (£309.96 inc VAT)

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Rigol DS1054Z Digital Oscilloscope, Resale Unit, 10% Discount, 2 Years Warranty

The Rigol DS1054Z is a 50MHz, 1GSa/s, 4-channel digital oscilloscope that offers a powerful combination of quality, performance and functionality – It’s excellent value for money. Features include; high memory depth, wide dynamic range, clear display, excellent waveform capture rate, comprehensive triggering functions, auto measurements with statistics and various remote communications interfaces. Options include; rack mount kit and a soft carry bag. Please note: The option for an integrated 2 channel function / arbitrary waveform generator is not available on the DS1054Z – Please refer to the DS1074Z-S Plus and DS1104Z-S Plus models for this capability.
Supplied with… 4-off passive probes (150MHz), USB cable, UK & European mains leads, quick guide.


  • 50MHz Bandwidth
  • 4 Channels
  • Maximum sample rate 1GSa/s
  • Vertical scale 1mV/div to 10V/div
  • Memory depth up to 12Mpts (24Mpts optional)
  • Innovative “UltraVision” technology
  • Up to 30,000wfms/s waveform capture rate
  • Up to 60,000 frames real-time waveform record and replay (optional)
  • 7″ WVGA (800×480) TFT LCD display, 64 intensity grading levels
  • Up to 15-off trigger functions, including various protocol triggers
  • Auto measurement of 33 waveform parameters, with statistics
  • Built-in FFT with a choice of window functions
  • Pass/fail test function
  • Built-in help facility
  • Connectivity: USB Host & Device, LAN(LXI), AUX Output, (USB-GPIB, optional)
  • Compact size, light weight, easy to use
  • Supplied with… 4-off passive probes (150MHz), USB cable, UK & European mains leads, quick guide, CD (user guide & application software)
  • Options include… Deeper memory, waveform record & replay, advanced trigger functions, serial bus analysis, rack mount kit, soft carry bag, Telonic Standard Calibration, RCL 17025 Calibration

Rigol DS1000Z Oscilloscope Comparison Table

Model Channels Bandwidth Max Sample Rate Memory Signal Generator Waveform Refresh Rate
DS1054Z 4 50MHz 1GSa/s 24 Mpts N/A 30,000 wfms/s
DS1074Z PLUS 4 + 16 Digital (Opt) 70MHz 1GSa/s 24 Mpts N/A 30,000 wfms/s
DS1074Z-S PLUS 4 + 16 Digital (Opt) 70MHz 1GSa/s 24 Mpts X2 30,000 wfms/s
DS1104Z PLUS 4 + 16 Digital (Opt) 100MHz 1GSa/s 24 Mpts N/A 30,000 wfms/s
DS1104Z-S PLUS 4 + 16 Digital (Opt) 100MHz 1GSa/s 24 Mpts X2 30,000 wfms/s
DS1102Z-E 2 100MHz 1GSa/s 24 Mpts N/A 30,000 wfms/s
DS1202Z-E 2 200MHz 1GSa/s 24 Mpts N/A 30,000 wfms/s

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Sample Mode Real-Time Sample Rate
Real-Time Sample Rate Analogue channel:
1 GSa/s (single-channel),
500 MSa/s (dual-channel), 250 MSa/s (three/four-channel)
Digital channel:
1 GSa/s (8-channel), 500 MSa/s (16-channel)
Peak Detect Analogue channel: 4 ns
Digital channel: 4 ns
Averaging After all the channels finish N samples at the same time, N can be 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 or 1024.
High Resolution 12 bit (max.)
Interpolation Sin(x)/x (optional)
Minimum Detect Pulse Width Digital channel: 10 ns
Memory Depth Analogue channel:
24 Mpts (single-channel), 12 Mpts (dual-channel), 6 Mpts (three/four-channel)
Digital channel:
24 Mpts (8-channel), 12 Mpts (16-channel)
Number of Channels DS1XX4Z Plus/1XX4Z-S Plus: 4 analogue channels, 16 digital channels available after upgrade
DS1054Z: 4 analogue channels
Input Coupling DC, AC or GND
Input Impedance Analogue channel: (1 MΩ±1%) || (15 pF±3 pF)
Digital channel: (100 kΩ±1%) || 8 pF±3 pF)
Probe Attenuation Coefficient Analogue channel: 0.01X to 1000X, in 1-2-5 step
Maximum Input Voltage (1MΩ) Analogue channel:
CAT I 300 Vrms, CAT II 100 Vrms, transient overvoltage 1000 Vpk
Digital channel:
CAT I 40 Vrms, transient overvoltage 800 Vpk
Timebase Scale 5 ns/div to 50 s/div
Maximum Record Length 24 Mpts
Timebase Accuracy ≤ ± 25 ppm
Clock Drift ≤ ± 5 ppm/year
Maximum Delay Range Negative delay: 1/2 (Memory Depth/Sample Rate)
Positive delay: 1 s to 500 s
Timebase Mode YT, XY, Roll
Number of X-Y’s 1
Waveform Capture Rate 30,000 wfms/s (dots display)
Zero Offset ±0.5div*minimum time base scale
Bandwidth (-3dB) DS1104Z Plus/1104Z-S Plus: DC to 100 MHz
DS1074Z Plus/1074Z-S Plus: DC to 70 MHz
DS1054Z: DC to 50 MHz
Single-shot Bandwidth DS1104Z Plus/1104Z-S Plus: DC to 100 MHz
DS1074Z Plus/1074Z-S Plus: DC to 70 MHz
DS1054Z: DC to 50 MHz
Vertical Resolution Analogue channel: 8 bits
Digital channel: 1 bit
Vertical Scale
(Probe ratio is 1X)
1 mV/div to 10 V/div
Offset Range
(Probe ratio is 1X)
1 mV/div to 499 mV/div: ± 2 V
500 mV/div to 10 V/div: ± 100 V
Bandwidth Limit 20 MHz
Low Frequency Response
(AC coupling, -3dB)
≤5 Hz (on BNC)
Calculated Rise Time DS1104Z Plus/1104Z-S Plus: 3.5 ns
DS1074Z Plus/1074Z-S Plus: 5 ns
DS1054Z: 7 ns
DC Gain Accuracy <10 mV: ±4% full scale
≥10 mV: ±3% full scale
DC Offset Accuracy ±0.1 div ± 2 mV ± 1% offset
Channel to Channel Isolation DC to maximum bandwidth: >40 dB
Trigger Level Range ±5 div from the centre of the screen
Trigger Mode Auto, Normal, Single
Holdoff Range 16 ns to 10 s
High Frequency Rejection 75 kHz
Low Frequency Rejection 75 kHz
Trigger Sensitivity 1.0 div (below 5 mV or noise rejection is enabled)
0.3 div (above 5 mV and noise rejection is disabled)
Edge Type Rising, Falling, Rising/Falling
Pulse Condition Positive Pulse Width (greater than, lower than, within specified interval)
Negative Pulse Width (greater than, lower than, within specified interval)
Pulse Width 8 ns to 10 s
Pulse Width Condition None, >, <, <>
Polarity Positive, Negative
Pulse Width Range 8 ns to 10 s
Windows Type Rising, Falling, Rising/Falling
Trigger Position Enter, Exit, Time
Windows Time 8 ns to 10 s
Edge Type Rising, Falling
Idle Time 16 ns to 10 s
Edge Number 1 to 65535
Slope Condition Positive Slope (greater than, lower than, within specified interval)
Negative Slope (greater than, lower than, within specified interval)
Time Setting 8 ns to 10 s
Signal Standard NTSC, PAL/SECAM, 480P, 576P
Pattern Setting H, L, X, Rising, Falling
Edge Type Rising, Falling
Delay Type >, <, <>, ><
Delay Time 8 ns to 10 s
Edge Type Rising, Falling, Rising/Falling
TimeOut Value 16 ns to 10 s
Pattern H, L, X
Trigger Condition >, <, <>
Duration Time 8 ns to 10 s
Edge Type Rising, Falling
Data Pattern H, L
Setup Time 8 ns to 1 s
Hold Time 8 ns to 1 s
Polarity Normal, Invert
Trigger Condition Start, Error, Check Error, Data
Baud Rate 2400 bps, 4800 bps, 9600 bps, 19200 bps, 38400 bps, 57600 bps, 115200 bps, 230400 bps, 460800 bps,
921600 bps, 1 Mbps and User
Data Bits 5 bits, 6 bits, 7 bits, 8 bits
Trigger Condition Start, Restart, Stop, Missing Ack, Address, Data, A&D
Address Bits 7 bits, 8 bits, 10 bits
Address Range 0 to 127, 0 to 255, 0 to 1023
Byte Length 1 to 5
Trigger Condition Timeout, CS
Timeout Value 16 ns to 10 s
Data Bits 4 bit to 32 bit
Data Line Setting H, L, X
Cursor Manual mode:
Voltage deviation between cursors ( △V )
Time deviation between cursors ( △T )
Reciprocal of △T (Hz) (1/ △T )
Track mode:
Voltage and time values of the waveform point
Auto mode:
Allow to display cursors during auto measurement
Auto Measurement Analogue channel:
Period, Frequency, Rise Time, Fall Time, Positive Pulse Width, Negative Pulse Width, Positive Duty Cycle,
Negative Duty Cycle, tVmax, tVmin, Positive Rate, Negative Rate, Delay 1→2 , Delay 1→2 , Phase
1→2 , Phase 1→2 , Maximum, Minimum, Peak-Peak Value, Top Value, Bottom Value, Amplitude, Upper
Value, Middle Value, Lower Value, Average, Vrms, Overshoot, Pre-shoot, Area, Period Area, Period Vrms,
Digital channel:
Period, Frequency, Positive Pulse Width, Negative Pulse Width, Positive Duty Cycle, Negative Duty Cycle,
Delay 1→2 , Delay 1→2 , Phase 1→2 , Phase 1→2
Number of Measurements Display 5 measurements at the same time
Measurement Range Screen or cursor
Measurement Statistic Average, Max, Min, Standard Deviation, Number of Measurements
Counter Hardware 6 bits counter (channels are selectable)
Display Type 7.0 inch TFT LCD display
Display Resolution 800 horizontal × RGB × 480 vertical pixel
Display Colour 16 million color (24 bit true color)
Persistence Time Min, 100 ms, 200 ms, 500 ms, 1 s, 5 s, 10 s, Infinite
Display Type Dots, Vectors
Standard Ports USB Host, USB Device, LAN, AUX Output (TrigOut/PassFail)
General Specifications
Output Voltage About 3 V, peak-peak
Frequency 1 kHz
Power Voltage 100 V to 240 V, 45 Hz to 440 Hz
Power Maximum 50 W
Fuse 2 A, T degree, 250 V
Temperature Range Operating: 0℃ to +50℃
Non-operating: -40℃ to +70℃
Cooling Method Fan cooling
Humidity Range 0℃ to +30℃ : ≤95℃ relative humidity,
+30℃ to +40℃ : ≤75℃ relative humidity,
+40℃ to +50℃ : ≤45℃ relative humidity
Altitude Operating: under 3,000 meters,
Non-operating: under 15,000 meters
Dimensions Width × Height × Depth = 313.1 mm × 160.8 mm × 122.4 mm
Weight Without package 3.2 kg ± 0.2 kg,
With package 3.8 kg ± 0.5 kg
Calibration Interval The recommended calibration interval is 18 months.


Specifications are liable to change. For the full list of Specifications, please see the products datasheet located under the ‘Documentation’ tab.


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