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Knowledge Base Spectrum Analysers

Electromagnetic Compliance: Measuring Conducted Noise with a Tekbox LISN

Our friends at Tekbox have a nice app note that provides details on performing conducted noise measurements using a SIGLENT SSA3000X Spectrum Analyser: Tekbox Conducted Noise with a LISN Note...

Python Example: Building an Arb with 16-bit steps (SDG2000X/SDG6000X)

The SIGLENT SDG2000X and SDG6000X feature 16-bit voltage step resolution. This provides 65,535 discrete voltage steps that can cover the entire output range (20 Vpp into a High Z load) which can effectively be used to test A/D converters and other measurement systems by sourcing waveforms with very small changes. In this example, we use Python 2.7 and PyVISA 1.8 to create a ramp waveform that i...

DIY Spectrum Analyser Input Protection

Spectrum analysers like the SIGLENT SSA3000X and SVA1000X series are extremely useful instruments that can provide invaluable insight into broadcast signal performance, transmitter troubleshooting, and interference as well as RF device characterization and EMC testing. But, like other spectrum analysers, they are very sensitive and can be damaged easily, if the proper precautions are not follow...

Two-tone testing: Building an arbitrary waveform using the Equation Draw function

In this note, we are going to use Equation Draw within EasyWave to create a waveform that is built using the addition of sine waves with two different frequencies (700 and 1900 Hz). We will then show how to use this signal to modulate a carrier up-to 500 MHz using the other SDG output channel. EasyWave is free software designed to help create and edit arbitrary waveforms and download them to ap...

Testing Open Socket Communications Using PuTTY

Many instruments include the ability to be controlled via a remote connection to a computer using an Ethernet connection. In many cases, these instruments require a special software library that can help establish and maintain the communications link between the instrument and controlling computer. This can be annoying for a few reasons… the software library is likely to occupy a large amount of...

Quick remote computer control using LXI Tools

Introduction: There are many options for people considering remote communication and control of test and measurement instrumentation. In most cases, a computer is used to communicate to test instrumentation using USB or LAN connections. The computer can configure the instruments, collect and organize data, and present it in a useful and flexible way. Remote control provides: Inc...

Verification of a LAN connection using Telnet

Automating a test can dramatically increase the productivity, throughput, and accuracy of a process. Automating a setup involves connecting a computer to the test instrumentation using a standard communications bus like USB or LAN and then utilizing code entered via a software layer (like LabVIEW, .NET, Python, etc..) to sequence the specific instrument commands and process data. This process n...

Programming Example: Open Socket LAN connection using Python

Automating a test can dramatically increase the productivity, throughput, and accuracy of a process. Automating a setup involves connecting a computer to the test instrumentation using a standard communications bus like USB or LAN and then utilising code entered via a software layer (like LabVIEW, .NET, Python, etc..) to sequence the specific instrument commands and process data. In this note, ...

Programming Example: List connected VISA compatible resources using PyVISA

PyVISA is a software library that enables Python applications to communicate with resources (typically instruments) connected to a controlling computer using different buses, including: GPIB, RS-232, LAN, and USB. This example scans and lists the available resources. It requires PyVISA to be installed (see the PyVISA documentation for more information) *** #Example that scans a compute...

Where is the MAC address information for SSA3000X, SSA3000X Plus, SSA3000X-R, and SVA1000X?

The MAC address can be found on the LAN config interface. Path: System--interface--LAN. ...

How do I pick the right spectrum analyser for my application?

The SIGLENT SSA3000X, SSA3000X Plus and SVA1000X products are based on a similar swept superheterodyne spectrum analyser platform and have very similar starting prices. There are quite a few similarities, but also a few differences that could affect the end results for particular applications. The table below compares the major specifications and the comparable options as they pertain to specific ...

How to measure an RF Amplifier using a DSA-800 Series Spectrum Analyser

Solution: This document provides step-by-step instructions on using the Rigol DSA-800 series of Spectrum Analysers to measure the characteristics of an RF Amplifier. In addition to the DSA-800 Spectrum Analyser, you will need an RF Source, cabling, and adapters. Measure the amplifier 1. Connect the RF generator output to the RF input of the instrument using the appropriate cabling and con...