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Knowledge Base RSA3000 Series

RIGOL´s new Solution for EMI pre-compliance tests

VNA Mode for Real-Time Spectrum Analysers Enhanced EMI measurement function and a simple user-friendly operating environment complete RIGOL’s real time spectrum analyser versions RSA3000N and RSA5000N. Electromagnetic compatibility [EMC] has become one of the most important topics in the last 23 years. EMC activities during design phase are absolutely mand...

Why am I seeing the message “Intermediate Frequency Out of Range”?

There is too much power being delivered to the instrument.The Spectrum Analyser is a Swept Superheterodyne design and does not have preselection filters. Therefore, the mixer is seeing all of the power (full 9kHz-1.5GHz frequency range) regardless of what you have set for the start and stop values....

Setting up the RSA3000 and RSA5000 series spectrum analysers to capture the lowest level signals

The lowest level signal you will be able to see captured on a spectrum analyser will be limited by the DANL or displayed average noise level so the lower the DANL the  better.To obtain the lowest DANL the RSA3000/RSA5000 series analyzers will need to be operating within these parameters and settings:...

My spectrum analyser displays 1st LO Unlock. What could be wrong?

1st LO unlock indicates a hardware problem. The instrument will need to be repaired. Contact Telonic for service on this instrument....

Precompliance: Susceptibility testing

To learn more about using RIGOL Instruments in EMC Precompliance testing go to our application site

EMC Precompliance: Near Field Probes

To learn more about using RIGOL Instruments in EMC Precompliance testing go to our application site

Common HAM and Broadcast uses for a spectrum analyser

1. Measuring the performance of a crystal filterHams use crystal filters in their radios to enhance selectivity, but short of installing thefilter there is really no easy way to test one. A spectrum analyser with a tracking generatormakes it fairly easy. Simply feed the tracking gen...

Do I need to have the Advanced Measurement Kit to use UltraSpectrum?


EMC PreCompliance Measurements

RIGOL Spectrum Analysers are utilized in many applications, but EMC PreCompliance is of particular interest to our customers. All our applications content related to EMC can be found

Using a Tracking Generator


Is a Preamp necessary with EMI work?

It's generally recommended to use a preamp with a spectrum analyser when performing EMI and EMC pre compliance tests. The preamp is used to amplify the acquired signal above the noise floor for low level signals. ...

What operating system is used on the RSA3000/RSA5000 series spectrum analysers?
