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How to Load an RSA3000 License Option

Posted on: December 16th, 2020 by Doug Lovell
Loading a License on an RSA Spectrum Analyzer is simple.

First, you receive the PDF file with the License key to install:

Enter the license Key and the Instrument serial number into the website

The verification code is the text to the right.

For the RSA instruments this generates a .LIC file that you can load onto a USB stick.

The files always have the filename equal to the Serial number, so only load one at a time to the USB stick to avoid changing the filenames or replacing the files.

Once you move the LIC file to a USB stick you can start the RSA Spectrum Analyzer and then insert the USB drive into any of the USB ports.

On the instrument hit the FILE button then use the touchscreen or mouse to navigate to the USB stick and the LIC file that you wish to load. Highlight the file so that it is in Blue and then go to the second page on the FILE menu using the down arrow. The screen should now look like this:

Once there, push the IMPORT LICENSE menu item.

This will complete the process.

At any time you can verify what is installed in an RSA instrument by pushing SYSTEM, ABOUT SYSTEM, and then selecting OPTION INFO. This popup appears:


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