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How to load a List file onto the DSG800 Series

Posted on: December 15th, 2020 by Doug Lovell

To load a list file onto the DSG800 series you first have to create a file in excel and then save it as a .CSV file.  See the article “How to Create a List File” for more information about how to format the file.  With the file saved now load the file into a fold on your flashdrive, note that the file is unable to be read if it is in the root directory in the flashdrive.  Then insert the flashdrive into the back of the instrument. 

Next press the Sweep button and then set the Sweep, this can either be frequency, level or frequency and level.  Then set the Type to be list and then set your Mode to either be continuous or single.  Next press the arrow down button on the instrument and press List Sweep and the Load. 

At this point you are presented with the instrument file navigation menu, you will first need to select you flashdrive, it is on the E directory, with this high lighted in blue use the arrows below the rotary encoder to move into the folder, by pressing the right arrow.  Then select your folder, this will also need to be highlighted in blue before pressing the right arrow and then select your file.  Finally to load the file press Recall.  This will cause the instrument to load your file and then start sweeping the list file.