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DSA-815 License Activation

Posted on: December 16th, 2020 by Doug Lovell

The Rigol DSA-815 Spectrum Analyser has a number of optional features that can be activated by obtaining an activation license.
Currently, the advanced measurement kit (DSA8-AMK), VSWR (DSA8-VSWR), and EMI Toolkit (DSA8-EMI) are available.
First, obtain the license key from your local Rigol representative.
The code is a 24 character code of alphanumerics.
Here is a sample:

  1. Power on the instrument

2. Press System > Down Arrow 

      3. Press Install

     4. A textbox will appear
     5. Use the EDIT Keypad on the front panel to enter the alphanumeric code shown on the license.

NOTE: The “1” key will capitalize the letters (A/a).. The “+/-” key will toggle between Chinese (Shown as CN in the textbox), English(EN), and Number (1). Press the numeric character that contains the letter of interest. Multiple presses of the number key will scroll through the available characters. Press ENTER key to accept the letter.

6) Press the OK key after you have entered all of the characters. The instrument should indicate that the license option has been activated.