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AMK: What do you get with the DSA Advanced Measurement Kit ? (DSA1000-AMK)

Posted on: December 14th, 2020 by Doug Lovell

Advanced Measurement Functions
Option DSA1000-AMK provides plenty of advanced measurement functions including T-Power (Time domain Power), ACP (Adjacent Channel Power), Chan Pwr (Channel Power), OBW (Occupied Bandwidth), EBW (Emission Bandwidth), C/N Ratio, Harmo Dist (Harmonic Distortion), TOI (Third Order Intermodulation) and Pass/Fail. The measure mode can be Single or Continuous and you can control the measurement status: Restart, Pause or Resume.

Pressing the front panel key Meas, the corresponding menu will appear on the right of the screen. Press Meas Fctn and choose a measurement function. The screen will be divided into two windows. The upper one is for basic measure, displaying sweep trace, and the lower one shows the measurement results.
1. T-Power (Time domain Power)
Enables the Zero Span Mode and calculates the power within time domain. The measurable power types are Peak, Average and RMS.

2. ACP (Adjacent Channel Power)
Measures the power of the main channel and the adjacent channels and calculates the power difference between the main and each of the adjacent channels. When enabled, both the span and resolution bandwidth of the analyser are adjusted to be smaller automatically.

3. Chan Pwr (Channel Power)

Measures the power and the power density within a specified channel bandwidth. The span and bandwidth are automatically set to smaller values in this measurement type.
4. OBW (Occupied Bandwidth)
Calculates the power within whole bandwidth by integral operation and works out the occupied bandwidth by this value based on the specified power ratio. The centre frequency difference between the measured channel and the analyser will also be given in the measurement results.
5. EBW (Emission Bandwidth)
Measures the bandwidth of the two points at both sides of the max signal when the amplitude of this max signal falls off X dB within the span range.
6. C/N Ratio
Measures the power of both the carrier and the noise within specified bandwidth and calculates their ratio.
7. Harmo Dist (Harmonic Distortion)
Measures each order harmonic power and THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) of carrier. The available range is up to 10 orders. And the fundamental wave amplitude of the carrier must be higher than -50 dBm or else the measurement will be invalid.
8. TOI (Third Order Intermodulation)
Measures the parameters of the TOI production generated by two signals which have the same amplitude and similar frequency. The measured results include the frequency and amplitude of the Base Lower, Base Upper, 3rd Order Lower and 3rd Order Upper signals, as well as the Intercept of both the 3rd Order Lower and 3rd Order Upper signals.
9. Pass/Fail
Compares the measured curve with the pre-edited, if the related rules are met, the result will be “Pass”, or else is “Fail”.